LinkedIn Wants To Win You Back With A New App

LinkedIn was originally designed to be a professional social network, but lately has been known as the culprit behind your inbox filling with requests from people you’ve never worked with.

Now the company is hoping to get people excited about the service again, and one of the first steps is a redesigned app for your iPhone or Android phone.

At first glance, you might think it looks a heck of a lot like the Facebook app. It’s broken up into five areas, the home page is called Your Feed. (just like Facebook).


Here, you’ll see news content that LinkedIn feels is relevant for your line of work and skills. You’ll be able to rank the content and unfollow information that you don’t care about.

The Me section is similar to your profile page on Facebook. This is where you can see who has viewed your profile and check out comments or shares on your posts. LinkedIn also promises that it will be much easier to update your profile.


The My Network section will show you what’s happening with your professional connections. It’s where you’ll learn about job changes and work anniversaries.

You’ll also now be able to send direct messages to contacts on LinkedIn. This replaces the old e-mail system.


You’ll also be able to sync LinkedIn to your calendar. Plus, Linked in promises that search is now 300% faster.


Whether these changes get folks excited about LinkedIn or just make it look like an unnecessary clone of Facebook remains to be seen.

You can download the app for free from the Google Play or Apple App store.